Международные образовательные
программы для студентов ХГАЭП
Мельбурнский университет.docx
Университет Гриффит.docx
Университет Макуайри.docx
Университет Нового Южного Уэльса.docx
Университет Сиднея.docx
У Вас есть возможность участвовать в программе включенного обучения и изучать дисциплины по направлениям: экономика, менеджмент и юриспруденция в одном из европейских вузов, как по программе Erasmus Mundus на бесплатной основе, так и на платной основе. Дисциплины, успешно пройденные за период обучения в европейском вузе по выбранной магистерской программе, в дальнейшем будут перезачтены в ХГАЭП при предоставлении сертификата.
С условиями программ предложенных вузов Вы можете ознакомиться, пройдя по ссылкам ниже:
4CITIES – UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies www.4cities.eu
AFEPA – European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis www.uclouvain.be?afepa
CoDe – Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development www.master-code.uni-corvinus.hu
EM HRPP – Erasmus Mundus Masters in Human Rights Policy and Practice http://.ws1.roehampton.ac.uk
EM SIE – Erasmus Mundus Masters in Special and Inclusive Education www.roehampton.ac.uk
EMGS – Global Studies – A European Perspective http://gesi.sozphil.uni-leipzig.de
EMIN – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Economics and Management of Networks Industries http://www.upcomillas.es/emin/
EMLE – European Master in Law and Economics www.emle.org
EMMAPA – Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity www.erasmusmundus.be
EMMIR – European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations http://www.emmir.org
EMSD – European Master programme in System Dynamics www.europeansystemdynamics.eu
EMSEP – European Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology www.jyu.fi/emsep
EMTM – European Master in Tourism Management www.emtmmaster.net
EPOG – Master’s Course – Economic Policies in the age of Globalization: knowledge, finance and development http://www.epog.eu
IMIM – International Master in Industrial Management http://www.imim.polimi.it/
IMRCEES – International Masters in Russian, Central and East European Studies http://www.gla.ac.uk/erasmusmundus/imrcees
IMSE – International Master in Service Engineering http://www.erasmusmundus-imse.eu/
JEMES – Joint European Master Programme in Environmental Studies http://www.jemes-cisu.eu/
MA LLL – European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management www.lifelonglearningmasters.org
MARIHE – Research and Innovation in Higher Education http://www.marihe.eu/
MEDEG – Economic Development and Growth www.uc3m.es/medeg
MEGEI – MA Economics of Globalization and European Integration http://www.ua.ac.be/egei
MESPOM – Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management www.mespom.eu
MFSc – Master in Forensic Science www.lincoln.ac.uk/forensicerasmusmundus
MISOCO – Joint European Master in International Migration and Social Cohesion http://www.misoco.org
MSPME – Masters in Strategic Project Management (European) http://www.mspme.org/
MUNDUS MAPP – Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy http://www.mundusmapp.org
NOHA Mundus – Joint Master’s Degree Program in International Humanitarian Action http://www.nohanet.org/
STeDe – Erasmus Mundus Master in Sustainable Territorial Development http://www/em-stede.eu
WOP-P – Master in Work, Organization and Personnel Psychology http://www.uv.es/erasmuswop/
Китай 2014: 
Шеньянский университет, Китай
Всем студентам, желающим не только изучать и практиковать китайский язык, но и провести необыкновенное путешествие, наполненное положительными эмоциями и незабываемыми впечатлениями!
ПРИГЛАШАЕМ вас посетить летнюю школу китайского языка в Шеньянском университете (г. Шеньян, Китай).
Сроки поездки - июль/август 2014 г.
Занятия проводятся в первой половине дня, по итогам окончания школывыдается сертификат международного образца.
При прохождении программы обучения вы получите не только уникальную возможность постижения традиционных обычаев китайской культуры (уроки каллиграфии, мастер-классы чайной церемонии и др.), посещения памятников культурного наследия (Императорский дворец, Шеньянский национальный парк, поездка на Желтое море, и др. экскурсии), но и межкультурного общения с другими иностранными студентами университета из разных стран.
Контакты: Федорчук Алена 8914-546-14-94,
Фролова Надежда 8914-216-23-99
Группа в контакте- http://vk.com/shenyangdaxue
Почта - daxueshenyang@gmail.com
15 февраля состоится встреча в ХГАЭП, в 13:20, в 503 аудитории. Всех
встретим на входе! Организаторы ответят на все интересующие Вас вопросы
Япония 2014:
Университет Мия, Япония
Информация о программе (порядок поступления, необходимые документы, стоимость проживания и т.д.):
Информационный лист МИЯ 2014: 【Sample★Enligh version】Mie University(2014).pdf
Германия 2014:
Университет прикладных наук г. Оффенбурга
Информация о программе 2014-2015
Республика Корея 2014:
Кангвонский национальный университет
- Applicants must be currently enrolled at one of KNU's partner Universities and should be recommended by the Home university.
- To join classes taught in Korean : All Majors(except Medicine, Nursery). Applicants who want to study at the Department of Korean Language and Literature have to have academic recored for at least more than one year at the related major and should understand fundamental Korean Lessons. For information of the courses, please visit our website : http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/menu3/sub_03_01_01.php
- To join classes taught in English : Students whose major at his/her home university is related to more than 1 course from the list of courses taught in English (Be sure to check the attached list of courses taught in English and select the desired field of study)
Free Korean Language Program
- Exchange students who are able to attend more than 70% of the classes are allowed to take free Korean classes only for the first semester at KNU.
Work Load
Instruction Language
KNU Language Center
Morning Class : for Japanese students only when they have to get more than 200 hours of Korean class per one semester
200hours for 10 weeks(Mon.-Fri.)
Evening Class
60hours for 10weeks(twice a week, 3hours a day)
Office of International Affairs
Evening Class: for beginners
36hours for 12 weeks(twice a week, one and half hours a day)
Cultural experiences and student activities
- We operate various cultural field trips for international students.
- During the student festival season, international students can open traditional food booths.
Buddy Program
- A Korean student buddy is assigned to all exchange students for one semester.
- Pick-up service is provided during the given arrival period.
Academic Duration (tentative)
- Spring Semester: from March 3, 2014 to the middle(end) of June 2014
- Fall Semester: from the beginning of September to the end of December 2014
Tuition : Tuition at KNU will be waived for all exchange students.
Semester (4months) Fees
(Korean Won)
Room for 2
Personal bathroom on every room
Meal Options
(see below)
YulGokGwan(M) ToeGyeGwan(M)
Room for 4
Communal restroom and shower room on each floor
(10minutes walking distance)
UiAmGwan(M, F)
Room for 2
※ Public Facilities: Cafeteria, Computer lab, Laundry room, Study room, Fitness Center, etc.
※ Information above is for academic year 2013. It will be updated in the beginning of 2014.
Meal Options
① 3 meals a day for four months (approximately 620,000 Korean Won)
② 3 meals a day only on weekdays for four months (approximately 500,000 Korean Won)
③ No meals
Admission Deadline : Fall Semester: May 30 / Spring Semester: November 30
Ms. Soo Jang, Program Manager (Non-Asian Section)
Ms. Jina Jang, Coordinator(Asian Section)
Office of International Affairs
Kangwon National University
1 Kangwondeahak-gil, Chunchon-si, Gangwondo, 200-701 Korea
Tel: +82-33-250-6989(Non-Asian Section )/6986(Asian Section)
Fax: +82-33-253-1964
Web site :www.kangwon.ac.kr/english
Fill-out method(Application Form)
1. You may fill-out the application form out either in Korean or in English.
2. Please put an “X” mark to the box that corresponds to your answer in the fields where in boxes are provided for answer options.
3. Please fill-out this form by typing in the required information (no handwritten entries/answers are allowed except for your signature). And then please print your duly accomplished application form and attach a passport picture and affix your signature.
4. If you do not have your biological parents, you may write the names of your legal guardian in the parental section.
Required Documents
Below are the required documents along with the application form
- Should be prepared in English or in Korean
- A copy of proof of enrollment
- A copy of transcript
- A letter of recommendation from a supervisor from your study field
- A letter of recommendation from the International Office of the Home University
- A copy of Passport
- A letter of self-introduction including study plan
This is just a refernece for your decision in selecting study field to take courses in English |
Your desired filed of major(Field/Course) should be from the list below "Majors(Field/Course)" |
Courses taught in English(Spring Semester, 2014) |
Major(Field/Course) |
Title |
Credits-Hours-Practice-Planning |
Accountings |
Business English |
3-3-0-0 |
Cost Accounting |
3-3-0-0 |
Special Topics in Accounting |
3-3-0-0 |
Advanced Material |
Metallic Processing |
3-3-0-0 |
Agricultural Economics |
Economics of Rural Tourism and Recreation |
3-3-0-0 |
Animal Biotechnology |
Animal Molecular Evolution |
3-3-0-0 |
Animal Nutritional Biotechnology |
3-3-0-0 |
Dairy Biotechnology |
3-3-0-0 |
Animal Life Sciences |
Scientific and Business English Ⅱ |
3-3-0-0 |
Applied Biology |
Biocontrol |
3-3-0-0 |
Architectural Engineering |
Building Materials |
3-3-0-0 |
Intermediate English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Primary English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Biochemistry |
English Grammer and Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Bioengineering and Technology |
Specific topics in Bioengineering and Technology Ⅰ |
2-2-0-0 |
Bio-Health Technology |
Production & Storage Management Technology |
3-3-0-0 |
Recombinant DNA Technology |
3-3-0-0 |
Biological Environment |
Environmental Engineering Calculations |
3-3-0-0 |
Environmental Meteorology |
3-3-0-0 |
Business |
Foreign Language and Practice 1 |
2-1-2-0 |
Chemical Engineering |
Biochemical Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry 3 |
3-3-0-0 |
Civil Engineering |
Construction of civil Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
River Engineering & Design |
3-1-0-2 |
Computer Science |
File Processing |
3-3-0-0 |
Cultural Anthropology |
Culture and History |
3-3-0-0 |
Design |
Design English Ⅰ |
2-2-0-0 |
Economics |
Microeconomics |
3-3-0-0 |
Northeast asian Economy |
3-3-0-0 |
Electronics Engineering |
Mobile Communications |
3-3-0-0 |
English Education |
English Grammar |
3-3-0-0 |
English Listening and Conversation Practice |
1-0-3-0 |
English Speaking |
3-3-0-0 |
English Speech |
2-1-2-0 |
English Syntax |
3-3-0-0 |
English Vocabulary |
3-3-0-0 |
Multi-media for English Teaching |
3-3-0-0 |
Phonology in English Language Teaching |
3-3-0-0 |
Reading & Teaching English Poetry |
3-3-0-0 |
Reading and Teaching English Novel |
3-3-0-0 |
Reading English Drama and Performance Guidance |
3-3-0-0 |
Survey of British Literature |
3-3-0-0 |
Understanding and Teaching British and American Culture |
3-3-0-0 |
English Language and Literature |
Advanced English Grammar |
2-0-4-0 |
English Phonetics |
3-3-0-0 |
English Romantic Poetry |
3-3-0-0 |
History of English Language |
3-3-0-0 |
Environmental Science |
Environmental Geochemistry |
3-3-0-0 |
Environmental Risk Analysis and Lab |
3-2-2-0 |
Forest Biomaterials Engineering |
Functional Biomaterials |
3-3-0-0 |
World Important Woods |
3-3-0-0 |
Forest Environment Protection |
Forest Fire Ecology |
3-3-0-0 |
Forestry Management |
Forest English |
2-2-0-0 |
Geology |
Mineralogy & Lab. |
3-2-2-0 |
Horticultural Science |
Molecular Biology |
3-3-0-0 |
International Trade |
International Business English Conversation 1 |
3-3-0-0 |
International Business Telecommunication |
3-3-0-0 |
Macroeconomics |
3-3-0-0 |
Primary English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Special Topics in international Trade and Business |
3-3-0-0 |
Theory of International Commerce |
3-3-0-0 |
Landscape Architecture |
Urban Ecosystem and Greenspace Planning |
3-3-0-0 |
Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering |
Fluid Mechanics 1 |
3-3-0-0 |
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering |
Introduction to Renewable Energy Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
Solid Mechanics 1 |
3-3-0-0 |
Molecular Bioscience |
Biochemistry |
3-3-0-0 |
Modern Plant Biology |
3-3-0-0 |
Stem cell Biology |
3-3-0-0 |
Paper Engineering |
Fiber ChemistryⅠ |
3-3-0-0 |
Primary English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
Simulation and Design of Papermaking Process |
3-3-0-0 |
Pharmacy |
Clinical Pharmacy 1 |
2-2-0-0 |
Pharmaceutics 1 |
3-3-0-0 |
Physical Chemistry for Pharmacy 1 |
3-3-0-0 |
Public Administration |
Advanced English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
Primary English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
Real Estate |
Real Estate Investment |
3-3-0-0 |
Sociology |
Reading in Sociology 1 |
3-3-0-0 |
Systems Immunology |
General Biology and Lab. 1 |
3-2-2-0 |
Microbiology & Lab |
3-2-2-0 |
Molecular Biology |
3-3-0-0 |
Organic chemistry |
3-3-0-0 |
Protein Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
Tourism |
Primary English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
Tourism English 1 |
2-2-0-0 |
Visual Culture |
Culture contents planning |
3-3-0-0 |
Primary English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Psychology of Game |
3-3-0-0 |
Studies in Mass Culture |
3-3-0-0 |
Open for all Majors |
Advanced English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
Cultural Inheritance of Korea |
3-3-0-0 |
Intermediate English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Primary English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Primary English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
World Economy and International Relations |
3-3-0-0 |
This is for applicants who will take courses taught in English |
This is just a refernece for your decision in selecting study field to take courses in English |
Your desired field of major(Field/Course) should be from the list below "Majors(Field/Course)" |
Courses taught in English(Fall Semester, 2014) |
Major(Field/Course) |
Title |
Credits-Hours-Practice-Planning |
Accounting |
Business English 2 |
3-3-0-0 |
Financial Accounting Practice |
3-3-0-0 |
Advanced Material |
Composite Materials |
3-3-0-0 |
Animal Biotechnology |
Advice on Goal Setting and Career Planning |
0.5-1-0-0 |
Animal Protein Biotechnology |
3-3-0-0 |
Animal Genetic Informatics |
3-3-0-0 |
Animal Resources Science |
Feed Processing Technology |
3-3-0-0 |
Applied Plant Sciences Technology |
Mushroom Science |
3-3-0-0 |
Architectural Engineering |
Numerical Analysis and Practice |
3-2-2-0 |
Sustainable Building Material |
3-3-0-0 |
Bioengineering and Technology |
Specific topics in Bioengineering and Technology Ⅱ |
2-2-0-0 |
Bio-Health Technology |
Bio/Health Marketing Technology |
3-3-0-0 |
Bioindustry and Biotechnology |
3-3-0-0 |
Genetics |
3-3-0-0 |
Biosystems Engineering |
Introduction to Energy Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
Business |
Foreign Language and Practice 2 |
2-1-2-0 |
Investments |
3-3-0-0 |
Chemical Engineering |
Chemical Reactor Design |
3-2-0-1 |
College of Animal Life Sciences |
Scientific and Business English Ⅰ |
3-3-0-0 |
Computer Science |
English Grammer and Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
Information Retrieval |
3-2-2-0 |
Cultural Anthropology |
Culture and Language |
3-3-0-0 |
Design |
Design English Ⅱ |
2-2-0-0 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Electronic Information Appliance |
3-3-0-0 |
Electronics Engineering |
Wireless Communication |
3-3-0-0 |
English Education |
Classroom English and Conversation Practice |
2-1-2-0 |
Survey of American Literature |
3-3-0-0 |
Teaching English Grammar |
3-3-0-0 |
Reading English Novel |
3-3-0-0 |
Materials & Method in Teaching English |
3-3-0-0 |
Phonetics in English Language Teaching |
3-3-0-0 |
Topics in English Education |
3-3-0-0 |
Logical Thinking and Writing in English |
3-3-0-0 |
English Writing |
3-3-0-0 |
English Composition and Conversation Practice |
1-0-3-0 |
Teaching English Discussion |
3-3-0-0 |
Introduction to English Linguistics |
3-3-0-0 |
Applied Linguistics |
3-3-0-0 |
English Language and Literature |
Advanced Current English |
3-3-0-0 |
English through Poetry |
3-3-0-0 |
English Speech Sounds |
3-3-0-0 |
English Morphology |
3-3-0-0 |
Speech & Debate |
2-0-4-0 |
Seminar in English Linguistics |
3-3-0-0 |
Environmental Biotechnology |
Plant and Environmental Sciences |
3-3-0-0 |
Environmental Microbiology |
3-3-0-0 |
Environmental Science |
Environmental Conservation |
3-3-0-0 |
Food Science and Biotechnology |
Fundamental Microbiology |
3-3-0-0 |
Physical Chemistry |
3-3-0-0 |
Forest Biomaterials Engineering |
Biomass |
3-3-0-0 |
Forest Environment Protection |
Forest Mycology |
3-3-0-0 |
Introduction to Forest Fire |
3-3-0-0 |
Forestry Management |
Forest Measurement |
3-2-2-0 |
geology |
Optical Crystallography & Lab |
3-2-2-0 |
Applied Geochemistry & Lab. |
3-2-2-0 |
Horticultural Science |
Understanding of Life Science |
3-3-0-0 |
Industrial Engineering |
Network and Algorithms |
3-3-0-0 |
Reliability Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
International Trade |
International Trade |
3-3-0-0 |
International Business English 2 |
3-3-0-0 |
International Business English Conversation 2 |
3-3-0-0 |
World Regional Economy |
3-3-0-0 |
Mathematics |
Linear Algebra and Lab. 2 |
3-2-2-0 |
Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering |
Fluid Mechanics 2 |
3-3-0-0 |
Mechanical Mechatronics Engineering |
Solid Mechanics 2 |
3-3-0-0 |
Thermal Engineering |
3-3-0-0 |
Molecular Bioscience |
Cell Biology |
3-3-0-0 |
Paper Engineering |
Process Control for Papermaking |
3-3-0-0 |
Fiber Chemistry Ⅱ |
3-3-0-0 |
Pharmacy |
Immunology |
2-2-0-0 |
Psychology |
Basics in Psychology |
3-3-0-0 |
Social Studies Education |
Economic Thinking 2 |
3-3-0-0 |
Sociology |
Reading in Sociological Studies Ⅱ |
3-3-0-0 |
Systems Immunology |
Immunochemistry |
3-3-0-0 |
Embryology |
3-3-0-0 |
Medical Microbiology |
3-3-0-0 |
Biochemistry-I |
3-3-0-0 |
Human Genetics |
3-3-0-0 |
General Biology and Lab. 2 |
3-2-2-0 |
Tourism |
Tourism English 2 |
2-2-0-0 |
Intermediate English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
All Majors |
World Economy and International Relations |
3-3-0-0 |
All Majors |
Advanced English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
All Majors |
Primary English Conversation |
2-2-0-0 |
All Majors |
Intermediate English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
All Majors |
Primary English Composition |
3-3-0-0 |
All Majors |
Cultural Inheritance of Korea |
3-3-0-0 |
All Majors |
Instrumental Analysis of Chemical Substances |
3-3-0-0 |
Япония 2014: 
Ниигатский университет
Здесь необходимая информация по проживанию, обучению, включающая список дисциплин
Необходим 3 уровень владения языком
Университет Мия, Япония
Здесь представлен перечень экономических и правовых дисциплин, которые читаются в Университете Мия, Япония:
Центр по международному образованию и исследованиям (CIER, здесь приводится информация о порядке посещения таких лекций):
Германия 2014:
Университет прикладных наук г. Оффенбурга
Информация об университете, образовательных и летних программах, стоимости и т.д.:
Список дисциплин и курсов:
Информация по семестрам и срокам: http://www.hs-offenburg.de/en/international/study-in-offenburg/exchange-students/
Информация по стоимости обучения (проживание, питание и т.д.): http://www.hs-offenburg.de/en/international/study-in-offenburg/costs-and-expenses/
Информация по условиям проживания: http://www.hs-offenburg.de/en/international/study-in-offenburg/around-your-studies/accommodation/
Программа включенного обучения «Global Business»
вуз-партнер: университет г. Грац
участники: студенты факультета «МЭО» (конкурсная основа)
рабочий язык: английский
продолжительность: 1 семестр
оплата: обучение бесплатно; остальные расходы за счет студента
выдается сертификат, дисциплины перезачитываются
форма заявления - заявления принимаются
Программа включенного обучения
вуз-партнер: Университет Мия
Ниигатский университет
участники: студенты 2-4 курсов (конкурсная основа)
рабочий язык: японский, английский
продолжительность: 1 год
оплата: обучение бесплатно; остальные расходы за счет студента
выдается сертификат, дисциплины перезачитываются
форма заявления - заявления принимаются
Республика Корея: 
Программа включенного обучения
вуз-партнер: Кангвонский национальный университет
участники: студенты факультетов «Менеджер» и «МЭО» (конкурсная основа)
продолжительность: 1-2 семестра
рабочий язык: английский
оплата: обучение, проживание, питание – бесплатно (1 семестр - 1 студент);
выдается сертификат
форма заявления - заявления принимаются