680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд. 223,
тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84, +7 (4212) 76-54-23
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Минимизировать Campus


The dormitory of Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law is available for international students. It is located in five minutes ride from the Academy. Rooms in the dormitory are two or three – occupancy.


The nearest bus stop is 3 minutes walk from the Academy.
Busses № 8, 23, 21, 15, 49 will move you to the downtown.


The following activities are prohibited:

1) smoking inside the building;
2) drinking of alcoholic beverages;
3) violence, gambling and other noisy and or excessively boisterous behavior;
4) keeping pet;
5) bringing in and using dangerous items, for example, flammable goods and equipment;
6) activities which disrupt other residence;
7) inviting or encouraging students of the opposite gender to visit your rooms;
8) lodging other people.

Notification of Departure

Prior to leaving the dormitory the International Relations Department should be notified at least 14 days before.

Expulsion Order

Residents violating the above mentioned rules and regulations will be subject to eviction.

Medical Help (Campus Clinic)

There is a campus clinic available during office hours. It is located on the first floor in the building near the dormitory.


A nice canteen located on the first floor of the Academy is at students’ disposal.
You can find there European and Russian traditional cuisine at a low price.
Students are allowed to cook in the dormitory kitchen as well.

Markets/Cafés/Barber’s Shop and Internet Cafe

Several markets are located near the campus.
Fast-food restaurant “Golden Bird”, barber’s shop and Internet Cafe are located near the dormitory.

Минимизировать Gallery


                                   Kitchen                                                        Room                                   Laundry Room

680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд.: 223, тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84