680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд. 223,
тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84, +7 (4212) 76-54-23
КонтактыРесурсыE-mailФорумКарта сайта
12 марта 2025 Вы на странице: International students » Cross-Cultural Centre Вход
Минимизировать Please, feel free to contact us

E-mail: iro-ksael@rambler.ru

Phone-number: +7 (4212) 765-449

Contact person: Kornuta Vladimir

Минимизировать How can I apply for Courses?

To apply for Russian Language Courses you should send by e-mail the following documents:

1. Scanned copy of passport
2. Scanned copy of previous Russian visa
3. Filled in application form

Please send the documents to 

Минимизировать Center of Training and Testing for Russian as a Foreign Language

Center of Training and Testing for Russian as a Foreign Language has great experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language. It promotes actualization of the Russian language, Russian culture and customs abroad:

  • By rendering educational services of Russian language and country studies abroad
  • By organizing the Russian language  programs for foreign students
  • By testing of foreigners on knowledge of the Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL)
Минимизировать Russian Language Courses
  • Reading, Writing and Vocabulary Development
  • Grammar Usage and Sentence Structure Skills
  • Speaking and Listening Skills
  • Country Studies
  • Mass Media Studies


Минимизировать We offer you:

• Two types of courses:

  • Russian Language, Culture and Customs
  • Business Russian. Economic Module

All programs meet state standard requirements.

• Three levels of Russian language proficiency

  • Elementary
  • Basic
  • Advanced

Classes include the following aspects: speaking, listening comprehension skills, reading, grammar and writing.

Teaching methodology:

  • Role-playing games and dialogues
  • Audio and video records
  • Modern software
  • Authentic tests

Course duration: 1-2 terms, 20 hours per week (Monday – Friday)

Individual courses are available as well.

On the courses completion students take Certificate Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL).

Great Reasons to Attend Russian Language Courses at the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law:
1. Quality language experience
2. Cultural Exchange
3. Caring and helpful faculty
4. Free textbooks
5. Audio and video records
6. Free access to internet
7. Living in the dormitory together with Russian students
8. Opportunity to prepare and take Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) in Academy.

Минимизировать Testing Russian as a Foreign Language

All year round Cross Cultural Communication Centre offers students 6 levels of testing Russian as a foreign language:

  • Elementary
  • Basic
  • I Certificate
  • II Certificate

First certificate level gives the right to enter bachelor’s or specialist study at any Russian University.

Second certificate level allows students enter master’s study or to become a postgraduate student.

680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд.: 223, тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84