680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд. 223,
тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84, +7 (4212) 76-54-23
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12 марта 2025 Вы на странице: International students » Master's Programs Вход
Минимизировать Admission
  1. Fill in the application forms and send it to International Relations Department by e-mail: iro-ksael@rambler.ru.
  2. Take Test of Russian as a Foreign Language.
  3. Take an Interview on Speciality.
  4. Sign up a contract and pay tuition fee at the nearest bank.
Минимизировать Invitation Procedure

Please, send us a copy of your passport by fax: +7 (42-12) 76-54-49.

The following documents should be submitted on arrival at Academy:

  • medical certificate
  • 8 photos (3*4)
  • high school diploma/university diploma with notary certified translation.
    List of all the documents necessary for admission you may find on page Academics

Invitation procedure takes one month. You will receive invitation letter by registered mail. Please inform us of the exact date of your arrival time and the flight number to be met at the airport and accompanied to the dormitory.


Минимизировать MASTER PROGRAMS
Fields of study Programs




Banks and Banking Activity
Tax Management
International Economy
Economic Theory and Problems of Modern Russia
Accounting, Analysis and Auditing
Economy of the Environment and Natural Resources
Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis
Labor Economics
 Stratagies and Innovations in Trading
 Applied Informatics
 Applied Informatics
Risk-Management and Insurance
General and Strategic Management
Project Management
 Anti-crisis Business Management
 Asset Cost Management
State and Municipal Management
State and Municipal Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management

Constitutional and Municipal Law
 Theoretical and Practical Issues of Criminal Legislation




























Modern business environment, rise in business competitiveness, modern level of companies’ activities management and need for innovation and investment development demands specialists-practitioners capable of strategic decisions making.


  • To train staff for scientific institutions, higher and secondary educational establishments, companies and associations;
  • To motivate candidates for master’s degree to participate actively in research and accumulate knowledge for writing thesis necessary for successful development of an organization in future;
  • To create conditions for acquiring sufficient knowledge background necessary for achieving competitive advantage on the international labor market.

Issues under study

Each program addresses a number of critical issues. 

Минимизировать General and Strategic Management

   System approach to organization; organization as an open system; direct and indirect impact of external environment on organization; internal environment of organization; situational approach as a system approach to organization; strategic management; strategic analysis methods; mission and goals of organization; types of growth strategies, adaptation and competitive advantage and mechanisms of their formation; organizational structures and management mechanisms; forms and methods of monitoring in organizations and their subdivisions; total quality management (TQM) as organizational problem; principles, models and methods of transactions management; organizational behavior and human resource management; organizational culture and change control; decision making in organizations; comparative management.

Минимизировать Participants

The program is intended for university graduates and practitioners from public and private institutions.

Минимизировать Faculty

The core faculties of the program are:

  • candidates and Doctors of sciences from Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law and other renowned universities;
  • practitioners in the sphere of international business and strategic management;
  • professors from universities overseas (Finland, Great Britain, etc.)

The combination of academicians and practitioners is a special feature of this program.

Минимизировать Program Duration and Language

The program duration is 2 years.

Full-time and part-time studies with elements of distance learning are offered.

Working language is Russian.

Individual curriculum is available and includes obligatory and optional courses and disciplines.

Curriculum presupposes research activities and practical placement in companies.

Минимизировать Methodology

The program presents a number of unique features:

  • Integration of theory and practice;
  • Integration of foreign and Russian Higher Schools efforts for methodology elaboration, staff training and material and technical basis development.
Минимизировать Final Attestation at Master's Degree Study

At the end of master’s study students are to defend their thesis and take exam on their major.

Master’s thesis is a scientific work in which the author on the basis of his/her research elaborates scientific principles and teaching materials which are of practical character.
On passing the exams and successful defending their thesis students are awarded certificates of completion and academic degree of master of sciences.

Holders of master’s degree are welcome to continue their education in post-graduate studies for three years.

Минимизировать Tutors

Participants will benefit from the support and involvement of specialized tutors (scientific supervisors) who will assist and advise them in thesis writing throughout the learning period.

680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд.: 223, тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84