680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд. 223,
тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84, +7 (4212) 76-54-23
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12 марта 2025 Вы на странице: International students » Graduate Study Вход
Минимизировать Admission
  1. Fill in the application forms and send it to International Relations Department by e-mail: iro-ksael@rambler.ru.
  2. Take Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (ll Certificate level).
  3. Sign up a contract and pay tuition fee at the nearest bank.
Минимизировать Invitation Procedure

Please, send us a copy of your passport by fax +7(4212) 76-54-49.

Минимизировать Economic Science
  • Economic Theory
  • Management of National Economy
  • Finance, Currency and Credit
  • Accounting, Statistics
Минимизировать Legal Science
  • Constitutional Law, Municipal Law
  • Civil Law, Entrepreneurial Law, Family Law, International Private Law
  • Criminal Law and Criminology, Criminal Executive Law
  • Administrative Law, Financial Law, Data Protection Law
  • Civil Procedure, Arbitration Procedure
Минимизировать Historical Studies
  •  History of Russia

   There are qualification committees on getting Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences degrees at Academy. In order to enter graduate study all the applicants must pass qualification exams and submit entrance paper.

Entrance paper requirements:

   Entrance paper should be of research character (20-25 pages typed, double spaced). Entrance paper must include comprehensive review of the issue, review of references with conclusions and goals settings.

   Research part of the entrance paper must include analysis of the facts, conclusion, summed up results of the analysis. The author is required to understand the problem under research, to be able to analyze the information, to make profound conclusions and to set the goal of further research.

Минимизировать Special Requirements for Entering Graduate Study

Applicants must:

  1. have higher education, scientific achievements, publications
  2. pass qualification exams for the candidate degree (philosophy, foreign language)
  3. pass an interview on the theme of research work

Documents required for taking qualification exams:

  • Application in the name of Academy’s Rector;
  • Diploma on higher education with transcript and notary certified copy;

Documents for admission:

1. Original document on  education and diploma supplements (with the list of all study courses and disciplines (modules) and their volumes as well as other constituencies of the study process);
2. Original of the duly legalized document on education and original of the duly legalized diploma supplement;
3. Translation into Russian of a document on education and diploma supplements notarized by the Russian notaries. Translations should be issued in the same name as written in the entrance visa or the registration in the Russian Federation;
4. Сertificate of recognition and proof of equivalence of a foreign document of education(if necessary) issued by the Federal Education and Science Supervision Service of the Russian Federation (Rosobrnadzor);
5. Original medical certificate verified by official body of health service and verified translation into Russian;
6. Original certificate of absence of HIV infection verified by official body of home country’s health service;
7. Copy of Russian visa;
8. 8 photos size 3х4 см on white background.

* Documents that must be submitted by an applicant for evaluation of foreign documents on education in the Russian Federation:
- Original document on previous education and supplements to diploma (with the list of all study courses and disciplines (modules) and their volumes as well as other constituencies of the study process);
- Original of the duly legalized document on previous education and supplements to diploma;
- Translation into Russian of a document on previous education and diploma supplements notarized by the Russian notaries. Translations should be issued in the same name as written in the entrance visa or the registration in the Russian Federation.

680042, г. Хабаровск, ул.Тихоокеанская, 134
Тел.: +7 (4212) 22-48-79, факс: +7 (4212) 76-54-55
Приемная комиссия: ауд.: 223, тел.: +7 (4212) 22-64-84