Интервью с преподавателями ХГАЭП о результатах участия в международном симпозиуме 2013.
Participating in the 20th Tri-University International Joint Seminar & Symposium
Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law
Prof. Lebukhov Vladimir
Assist. Prof. Zemiak Kirill
Agreement for cooperation between Mie University and Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law was solemnly signed on 15 October 2010. Since then, we had a good relationship between each other. This was the first time to attend the Tri-University International Joint Seminar & Symposium-international conferences, with the participation of students, teachers and scientists around the world, conducted by Mie University plays an important role in mutual cooperation. These events allow young researchers to present their researches, to get acquainted with researches of other scientists, to share experiences, to get the expert feedback on their work, to establish business contacts and friendly relations. In the Seminar, we found that this was a great opportunity to speak on the conference at Mie University and to tell the world about yourself, your research and your scientific school. The conference showed how seriously organizers and participants relate with development of academic mobility. Student works been considered primarily. This is natural: today – this is a student, tomorrow – a specialist. It is very important how the specialist will be prepared for the challenges that await him in the future.
During the Seminar & Symposium, we talked with five students of Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law who study as exchange students at Mie University for one year. Russian students said: "We are very happy about the fact that our universities are in the state of friendly relationships! This is an excellent opportunity to study Japanese and English, to get the latest knowledge and to find new friends in one of the most prestigious universities in the world."
We have many pleasant memories associated with Japan, and we always travel to this beautiful country with great pleasure!
18 июня 2013г. в рамках реализации TEMPUS проекта «Подготовка специалистов по социальной психологии (бакалавриат и магистратура) для работы с мигрантами в России, Украине, Казахстане» состоялась встреча ректора ХГАЭП Юрия Гертуровича Плесовских, первого проректора по учебной работе Ирины Борисовны Мироновой и начальника отдела международных связей Татьяны Владимировны Маловичко с профессором Академии г. Гренобль (Франция) Жаном-Ноэлем Пашу.
